
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Product Review: Mister Ghost's Highly Enviable Monthly Parcel of Simple Yet Amazing Wonderments

This is an unsolicited - I dunno if "review" is really the right word, but it will do - review of Evil Supply Co.'s Mister Ghost's Highly Enviable Monthly Parcel of Simple Yet Amazing Wonderments, a parcel available on a monthly basis, or by subscription (for a discount). I ordered the January box, Positivity & Necromancy, which arrived yesterday. When you order from Evil Supply Co. (ESC), you have the option of having your package haunted or cursed (or not).

I'm a firm believer in this notion that the best way to find new products/companies is via recommendations from friends. Better yet if they can share something with you that you can actually touch or use. It's why I like to hand over one of my Pilot Envelope Addressing pens to pen geeks I meet to make them try it. (I've also been known to give them as gifts.) That's how I found ESC and eventually came to order my first Mister Ghost parcel.

It started with a new pen pal (@amysnotdeadyet on IG) including some great goodies in her letter, which arrived last Halloween. Naturally, I loved Amy's own work (all the art in the middle (check out her shop))! I was also intrigued by the stickers (on the left) & Ghost-a-gram card on the right, which turned out to be from ESC - who wouldn't love to get a package with a "may be haunted" sticker on it? (See sticker page for current offerings.)

From that point on, I've been aware of ESC. Friends have shared links with me, knowing my love for all things spooky. (Halloween is my favorite holiday!) Instagrammers I follow posts about them frequently, and after clicking over to see the feed several times, I eventually started following @evilsupplyco, who posts a lot of fun sketches and pictures of local cemeteries. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I took the plunge and ordered my first box.

I don't do product/box subscriptions. The explanation is too lengthy to go into here (I know, because I tried), but it boils down to me being both cautious and picky. Even if I know I can count on the package arriving, I just know I'll only like about half the stuff that would come in it. It's just who I am. What I like about ESC's Mister Ghost's Parcel is anyone can order the current box (if available - I'm sure quantities are limited) without subscribing (for a few dollars more). Or, if you subscribe, they charge monthly*.  The themes are so "me," that I can't imagine not loving most, if not all, of the contents every month. Based on this experience, I will be subscribing, for at least a few months.

If you are reading this in January 2016, it's not too late to get your own #10 parcel, Positivity & Necromancy. The site says they are available until January 31.

My box arrived yesterday. I guess I'm lucky that the carrier crammed the package into the mail box so tightly that I had to use two hands and a bit of twisting to get it out; sometimes, he just tosses things onto the ground or into the ditch. Unfortunately, there was another package there, too (that he had delivered at the same time), so my Mister Ghost Parcel was stuck halfway out, in the rain. Luckily, it wasn't out there long enough for the rain to get into the box and damage anything. I eagerly carried it into the house and sliced through the tape. Right on top were cards declaring that "Per request at purchase, this parcel has been CURSED" and "HAUNTED." Good sign!

Starting with this parcel (#10), each collection comes in a screen-printed, zippered pouch (I think they used to be plastic envelopes). I'm assuming the print goes along with the theme each month. Mine needs a little time with a needle and thread at one end of the zipper, but it's a nominal issue. The pouches are document sized, which is pretty cool!

The contents are "blind-boxed," so they can't tell you exactly which designs are going to be included, but each parcel contains 2 small, blank booklets, an art print, 2 greeting cards (2 designs (in my case, that meant I got 2 each of 2 cards) with envelopes) & four stickers.

Also starting with parcel #10, each collection includes an embroidered patch. I recently shared my love of patches, so this was, honestly, what clinched the deal and make me place the first order. And the one I received is so fun!

The journals are adorable, and well done, but if I get two with every subscription, I will have to share some with friends (I don't think anyone will complain). I got two pairs of flat note cards, also themed, with brightly-colored (in this case) envelopes. The art print I received (under the patch) advertises "Potion of Mermaid's Breath."

From what I can tell, most of the time, the stickers are like the ones shown above, roughly the same size. They're very high quality vinyl, with vibrant colors, and are promised to be waterproof and dishwasher-safe. The ones included in this parcel (bottle labels) are the same quality, but there were 2 small and 2 large ones. I have long been wanting to gather enough bottles to make an alchemist or mad scientist lab for a future Halloween party, so these were welcome!

In conclusion, I feel that it was worth it for me to pay the non-subscription price to see the package for myself, and I'm prepared to subscribe to keep the goodness coming at a discount! A little Halloween every month...just what I need.

*Maybe that's normal now, but when I first became aware of this kind of thing, it was in the form of yarn clubs, where you had to pay the full amount up front.

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